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Spreckels Elementary

School Mission and Vision Statement

School Mission and Vision Statement

Spreckels Elementary School will serve as the foundation for the future of our students. We will inspire lifelong learning using 21st-century tools. Through collaborative teams, we will focus on creative thinking and problem solving using Common Core State Standards. Our students will develop into respectful, responsible and safe citizens as they embrace diversity.

2024-25 Supply Lists 

School Safety

School Safety

Spreckels Elementary School provides a clean and safe environment for its students and employees. A transportation assistant, and 3.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) maintenance staff and custodians maintain the buildings, grounds and buses. The district meets all federal and state standards for facilities and safety. Teachers, instructional aides and yard supervisors oversee children on the playground. School staff and parent volunteers oversee students at the crosswalks. Rules and procedures that promote safety are enforced. The School Site Council and the School Safety Committee continuously monitor and improve safety concerns throughout the school year. A comprehensive school safety plan is updated each year.
The purpose of this plan is to identify appropriate strategies and programs that will maintain a high level of school safety, address the school’s procedures for complying with existing laws related to schoolwide safety, and help assess the current status of school crimes committed on the campus.
The major points included in our plan are procedures for child-abuse reporting, emergencies and disasters, safe ingress and egress to and from school, and rules and procedures on school discipline. Other points included are policies regarding suspension and expulsion, employee security, sexual harassment, schoolwide dress code, and how to provide a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning. A control plan for blood-borne pathogens is also included.
Specific routine procedures for campus safety include scheduled fire, earthquake and intruder drills. All visitors are required to sign in and sign out at the front office. All parents are required to sign out students whenever they take them from campus during school hours. Employees are provided CPR and first-aid training. There is a zero-tolerance district policy of for weapons and drugs on campus.