Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship Week is celebrated annually during the third week of October.
October 17-21, 2022
While safe, ethical, and effective use of digital devices is extremely important every day of the year, teachers use this week to collectively focus on these necessary skills and support students in better understanding their responsibilities as digital citizens. We hope you will use this time to explore these excellent resources with your students!
Why Teach Digital Citizenship?
Why Teach Digital Citizenship?![]()
CommonSense Education has created and shared leveled lesson plans for teachers to use during Digital Citizenship Week!
With 1.1 million teachers using their digital citizenship resources worldwide, teachers can be assured they include high-quality, research-based lessons that target essential skills our students need now!
Check out the linked Google Doc for your assigned age group. The thematic daily plan includes a guiding question, an SEL activity, ideas for promoting student reflection and creation, ways to engage families with communications offered in English and Spanish, and suggestions for celebrating the week!
CommonSense Education's Complete K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum ![]()
CommonSense Education's Complete K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Because promoting digital citizenship is important throughout the year, CommonSense offers a free, comprehensive, K-12 curriculum. These lessons cover timely topics that empower students to take ownership of their digital lives. Presentation slide decks, videos, bilingual materials, and customizable resources are available to support these lessons, which cover the following topics:
- Media Balance & Well-Being;
- Privacy & Security;
- Digital Footprint & Identity;
- Relationships & Communication;
- Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech; and,
- News & Media Literacy.
Be sure to explore the content available for your grade span. The use of these resources will nurture the growth of digital citizens long after this week has ended!
View on overview of the curriculum & the research behind it.
Access the free Common Sense Classroom Posters!
Be on the look out for resources on our social media that Support Digital Citizenship compentencies of being inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced, and alert.
DigCit Commit