English Language Learners
We strive to provide English learners with challenging curriculum and instruction that develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible. To that end, we have taken several actions, as described in our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP):
- We will keep a full-time, English Language Development (ELD) teacher on staff to serve the needs of our English language learners.
- ELD professional development will be delivered, specifically focused on language learner instruction and intervention.
- When appropriate, we provide technological devices to students in an effort to bridge the “digital divide” at home.
- Though continued and improved communication, work with families of English language learners to effectively implement relevant and effective programming.
Identification and Assessment
Identification and Assessment![]()
Identification and Assessment
Upon enrollment in the District, each student’s primary language shall be determined through use of a home language survey. Any student who is identified as having a primary language other than English shall be assessed for English proficiency using the state’s designated English language proficiency test.
The District shall continue to provide additional and appropriate educational services to English learners for the purposes of overcoming language barriers until they:
- Demonstrate English language proficiency comparable to that of the District’s average native English language speakers
- Recoup any academic deficits that may have been incurred in other areas of the core curriculum as a result of language barriers
English learners shall be reclassified as fluent English proficient when they are able to comprehend, speak, read, and write English well enough to receive instruction in an English language mainstream classroom and make academic progress at a level substantially equivalent to that of students of the same age or grade whose primary language is English and who are in the regular course of study. Students will be monitored for two years after reclassification to determine whether the student needs any additional academic support to ensure his/her language and academic success.