- About Us
- About SUSD
- Bell Schedules and District Calendar
- Board of Trustees
- Superintendent's Message
- Safer Spreckels Classrooms
- Title IX Information
- Williams Legislation Information
- Proposition 28 Annual Report
- Public Notices
- Annual Notification of Professional Standards
- Education Protection Act Expenditure Reports
- Monterey County SELPA Local Plan Certifications
- Pesticide Use Near Schools and Child Day Care Facilities
- Privacy Notice
- School Accountability Report Card
Public Participation
Members of the public are welcome to participate in the meetings of the Board. If a member of the public desires to address the Board, that individual needs to complete a speaker request form and indicate if the specific agenda item that they wish to address, or if the item is for general public comment on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Comments on all topics, both those on the agenda and those not on the agenda, will be made at the beginning of the meeting during the time designated for “Individuals desiring to address the Board.” General public comments will generally be heard first, followed by comment on specific agenda items. The Board President may limit the time of presentation to three minutes per speaker, per subject, and a maximum of twenty minutes for each subject matter. No action may be taken by the Board on matters not on the agenda unless Government Code 54954 is evoked by the Trustees.
Individuals who require special accommodation, including but not limited to an American Sign Language interpreter, accessible seating, or documentation in accessible formats, should contact the Superintendent at least two days before the meeting date.
Is there a time limit when addressing the Board?
Comments may not exceed three (3) minutes.
How to can I communicate with the Board?
- You may show up to the Board Meeting and fill out a yellow speaker card stating which agenda item or non-item you wish to comment on. Board meetings are help the 1st Thursday of each month in the auditorium at Spreckels Elementary School. Hatton Avenue & 4th Street, Spreckels, CA 93962.
- You may write a letter, addressed to the Board of Trustees and send it to 130 Railroad Road, Spreckels, CA 93962. All letters received are copied for the Superintendent and the five (5) Board Members.
- You may telephone the Superintendent's Office and leave a message with the Superintendent or on his voicemail. The direct line it (831) 455-2550 ext. 316.
- You may email the Board of Trustees at any time. If you would like to email a board meeting please visit the Board page on our website.